Locker Room

Warrior King



"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."--A. W. Tozer If you were asked to describe Jesus in two words, what would it be?  It’s a great question, right? It’s very telling of what we know or understand about who He is. We're kicking off this season of Locker Room by taking each week to talk about 2 Words. Each week we’ll have two words that drive our content and drive our discussion with different guests. In this episode, we'll focus in on two words to describe Jesus: Warrior and King. If you’re starting a Locker Room Group or simply having conversations with other men--your sons, your friends, or coworkers--our hope is to create some critical discussions about things that matter.  LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE, S10E1: Warrior King If your family or your friends were to introduce you to someone new, what two words would they use to describe you?  Who first introduced you to Jesus? What picture was painted to describe Him?  What was your initial perception of J