Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

How to Believe in Yourself and Your Business



Sometimes, you might get overwhelmed with fear and doubts about setting big goals in your business. I know personally that it can feel daunting when you have a really big vision but getting there feels far away. At certain points in the year, we can put pressure on ourselves to achieve more, play bigger and go for what we want. While all of that’s good, what I really see holding women back is that they see things happening for other people that they don’t believe are possible for them.  With the right mindset and steps at hand, hitting your personal and business goals can totally happen for you. So for this week’s Breadwinning Women podcast, I wanted to talk about how to create belief in yourself – particularly as it relates to accomplishing the goals that you set for your business this year. In this episode, I shared how you can …