Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

5 Soft Life Goal-Setting Strategies



It’s about time to start living a life of comfort and low stress.   For many Black women, it is a challenge to move past always being the responsible one, always sacrificing their enjoyment, and always putting others over themselves.   What happens if you keep on sacrificing your precious time and energy is that you become overworked and burnt out, and that’s definitely what you don’t want to happen.   So for this year, I encourage you to adopt a soft life and a much less stressful way of goal setting. Learn how to thrive and grow your business without taking on a life of stress.   For this year’s first episode of Breadwinning Women podcast, I’m going to share the benefits of living a soft life, being more intentional about your time, and practicing the habit even in your goal setting.   In this episode, I shared …