Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR385 - Larry Crane - Recording, Mixing, and Archiving Elliott Smith Stories and Studio Tips



Should you buy 10 of everything you need? Larry talked about Jackpot! Recording Studio, recording and archiving Elliott Smith's music catalog, mixing on a console vs Pro Tools, recording a song quickly, and audio restoration tips in iZotope RX. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Larry Crane the founder of Tape Op Magazine, and owner of Jackpot! Recording Studio, a producer/engineer/mixer, and a recording arts educator. He has been on the podcast previously to talk about starting out in a band, launching the magazine TapeOp, producing records and mixing at Jackpot! Recording Studio, Recording and curating the musical archives of Elliott Smith, and lots of other fun stuff. Today we will talk about what's new in the studio, various archival/restoration jobs, and more recording and mixing insights. THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS! https://iZotop