Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Deborah Snow-Walsh on Breaking the Cycle: Examining Generational Expectations in the Workplace (Ep. 123)



How can Gen-Z and Millenial workers grow their careers? With pensions and 30-year work tenures being a thing of the past, our approach to work has changed. This is especially true for younger workers, who have experienced a uniquely tricky entrance into the world. In this week's episode, Deborah Snow Walsh discusses the impact of the current generation, Gen-Z, in the workplace. This generation has grown up with different values and perspectives on work compared to previous generations especially around workplace cultures, compensation, work-life balance, and value-driven work. If you are a leader looking to better understand the tough challenges that employers may face in managing and connecting with this generation in the workplace. this is the episode for you. If you are a Gen-Z or Millenial worker looking to negotiate a stronger salary and connect with your manager in a meaningful way, you're in the right spot. When we understand each other's values without demonizing our differences, we build workplaces w