Dr. Judy Wtf

'The Aging Narcissist and Sex'



The aging narcissist is not a happy camper. To put it lightly. To put it lightly. Okay. Being used to having a lot of narcissistic supply in the younger years. Good looks, money, A sharp mind. Yes. Those faculties start to fade as we age. And so we are no longer able to attract through these BS. How would you say these measures or these avenues, these assets may be your assets you're no longer able to attract to these assets. As a result, the aging narcissist might get angry and go into rage quicker because they get frustrated with things not working out for them like they used to.The dying aging narcissist dies as he or she lived. There is no breakthrough. There is no aha moment of of a flooding of empathy. They are the same till death do them apart. If you are living with a narcissist or you believe that you are a narcissist, please check in with the psychological healing Center. No matter your age.