Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 4: "People Blindness" Love God Serve People Week 4



Have you ever had someone look right past you when you were talking to them? Can you think of a time you've done that to someone else? In the busyness and demands of life, it's easy to look right past people rather than truly care for them, even the people we should care most about. It's happened to all of us, and we've all done it to someone else.Consequently, our relationships suffer, we feel unappreciated and unseen, and we perpetuate the problem by ignoring the very real needs of others.In the famous parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus shows us the danger of “people blindness”: the inability to see someone in their humanity, made in the image of God and worthy our time and attention.And so, just as God cares for us in our need, He is calling us to compassionately see and respond to those around us.Can we share with you how the compassionate love of Jesus can lead you into a life of compassion? Can you help us to see people the way that Jesus sees them, made in the image of God and worthy of compassion? C