Philly Who?

Liz Brown: From High School Dropout to Award-Winning Tech CEO



Liz Brown is the Managing Director at Backstage Philadelphia, an arm of Backstage Capital, a venture capital investment firm that invests in underrepresented founders. Liz, who’s originally from Buffalo, New York, had no plans to ever live in Philadelphia. But once she got here, her love for the tech scene pushed her to cofound WebJunto, a software development company. WebJunto won the 2017 Tech in Motion Award for Best Tech Workplace for Diversity, and in 2018 Liz won the Rad Girl Award for Best Technologist. In this episode, you'll hear her wide-ranging journey from high school dropout, to military veteran, to urban planner, to Tech CEO. Support Philly Who? Donate via Paypal, Venmo: @podphillywho, Become a Monthly Patron, Purchase a T-Shirt or Hat, Become a Sponsor