Jsedirect With Simon Brown

JSEDirect 185: Sygnia listing and state of small cap market



Thoughts from Simon Mark Douglas has passed away, sad day for traders and perhaps an important reminder that there's more to life than just trading and markets? Mr Price (MPC) has been sluggish ever since that nasty trading update, seems maybe it coming alive again? Truworths maybe going into the shoe business in the UK. Tough market, not an exciting acquisition. SABMiller, finally Anheuser-Busch InBev has arrived. Maybe.  Keith McLachlan Small and Mid Cap fund manager at Alpha Wealth We chat the soon to be listed Sygnia, ARB valuation, Santova (SNV) cautionary and the general state of the Mid and Small cap indices. We Get Mail Christo In your podcast two weeks ago you discussed the Proptrax SAPY and the Proptrax Ten. In it you discussed how you prefer the Ten over the SAPY because GrowthPoint is too heavily weighted in the SAPY while in the Ten all companies are equally weighted and you like equal weightings. So my question is why? I can understand how it is bad when one company is too heavily weighted c