Jsedirect With Simon Brown

JSEDirect 154 - Model ETF Portfolio with Nerina Visser, Q&A with Keith McLachlan



Nerina Visser ETF strategist at ETFSA.co.zaWe discuss building an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) portfolio with either; R300 monthly, R1,000 monthly or a larger lump sum. The end of the conversation is also around tax and in particular the R30,000 tax free CGT and how one can make use of it. ETFs and ETNs covered include; BBET40, DBXWD, PTXTEN, RMBINF, STXDIV, DIVTRX, LVLTRX and SBAEI. Q&A with Keith MaCachlan of Alpha Wealth and SmallCaps.co.zaA half session with listener driven questions. We cover different investment models, risk free rate, small cap liquidity risk, management, investing as an art or a science and more. Link for the weekA Dozen Things I’ve Learned from Joel Greenblatt about Value Investing Subscriber to our feed here or sign up for email alerts as a new show goes live or subscribe in iTunes.