Locker Room

Fine Print



Two Words: Fine Print This week we’re talking about the fine print of the Christian life. If we’re not careful we can talk about faith in a way that sounds easy or irresistible—rainbows and unicorns—as if everything is just great all the time. It’s not true. The Bible doesn’t promise any of this. This week’s episode is titled fine print; but not because God is hiding something from us or trying to speed past and hide all the side effects of being a Christ-follower. He doesn’t do that. The invitation that Jesus invites us into is incredible, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with hard things. This season of Locker Room we're taking each week to talk about two words. Two words to drive our content and our discussion with different guests. If you’re starting a Locker Room Group or simply having conversations with other men--your sons, your friends, or coworkers--our hope is to create some critical discussions about things that matter. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10 E3: Two Words: Fine Print Are you the t