Healthy Families Made Easy With Dr. Jason Jones

How Breathing Can Reduce Stress and Quiet the Mind: A Guide to Deep Breathing Techniques and the Autonomic Nervous System



Breathing is an automatic process that we all do without thinking about it. On average, we take 20,000 breaths per day. Breathing is such an essential process in life that people die within minutes if it stops. Your respiratory system and the body cells utilize the oxygen you breath in and, in return, create waste in the form of carbon dioxide that you breath out. Although breathing takes a subconscious effort, did you know that you can pay more attention to how you breath and significantly impact your stress level? You indeed have the power to change your breathing to relax your brain deliberately. Breath control dramatically helps to manage stress by promoting brain relaxation. Breathing and stress You probably have realized that your breathing patterns change whenever you are stressed or anxious. The breathing tends to be irregular and shallow. Your chest activity can also expand and contract so much, making it hard to get adequate air in, disrupting the balance of gases in the body. Ideally, shallow over-