Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Success Avoidance



Are you avoiding success?   Many business owners struggle to get to their next-level breakthrough because they are stuck in hustle-mode.   What you should be doing is stretching your mind into new ways of thinking and what’s possible for you and your business.    As a business owner, you might even tell yourself, “I don’t have everything together.” But the truth is, taking action makes you feel inadequate so you just don’t do it.   It’s learning to get comfortable with being uncomfortable in order to get to your desired next-level.   For this week’s Breadwinning Women episode, I talk about success avoidance. If you're feeling stuck and want a kick-in-the pants, I’ll help you identify what you’ve been avoiding so you can overcome the fear and grow your business.   In this week's episode, you will learn:   The signs that you’re struggling with success avoidance; How to switch between head and hustle energy; The mindset shifts needed to get to your business to its next milestone If you enjoyed this episo