Movie Mount Rushmore

TOP 10 Supporting Actor Performances (Season 6, Episode 1)



What are the TOP 10 BEST Supporting Actor Performances?Join us for the latest edition of the Movie Mount Rushmore Podcast as hosts Nico Lurot (@Nico Lurot) and Anthony "AJ" Jordan (@TonyNTR) are here to discuss the TOP 10 Supporting Actor Performances.From international spectaculars like Inglorious Basterds, to grizzly stories like The Fighter, award winners like Schindler's List and fan favourites like Full Metal Jacket. Sometimes the supporting performances are so powerful that you remember them more than the lead characters, and that's what we are here to explore. Happy New Year film family, and welcome to SEASON 6 of the Movie Mount Rushmore!Do you like the Dudes? Wy not buy us a coffee and show your support'S HOW THE SHOW WORKS: Hosts, Aj and Nico each get assigned a topic, we go our separate ways to compile our individual TOP 10 lists on a new Movie topic each week. Then we rejoin to count down our individual lists where one person delivers their bottom 3 movi