Foster Web Marketing Podcast

The Future of AI in Business



Pooya Abka is the CEO and Co-founder of Intaker, which develops interactive chat solutions for law firms. Pooya’s marketing expertise comes from previous experience as a digital consultant and his various entrepreneurial ventures, including assisting start-ups from the ground up. He earned a bachelor’s degree in engineering from The University of Sheffield and a master of science in management from Imperial College in London. In this episode… Sometimes, problems require professional solutions that take more time than people are prepared to sacrifice from their busy lives. The question then becomes: how can businesses adapt to client needs even before making first contact? Can AI help clients find the right business that suits their needs?  The truth is that AI is very much imbued in every technology we use today. However, in business, AI has become a powerful tool that can help bridge the gap in communication between consumers and producers. In a way, companies can reach more potential customers by leveraging