Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

204: SELF-ADVOCACY: Honoring What You Need, No Matter What (#2 of 3 in series)



When we think of advocacy or being an advocate, we often think of how we show up for and support others, or take stands for the causes that matter to us - which is a beautiful thing. Today, I am inviting you to turn the energy of standing for, honoring and being a voice for others towards yourself. Self-advocacy. What would it look like this year if you chose to be an advocate for yourself?  What would it look like to so deeply honor what you desire and require, that you were willing to stay true to yourself, even if that meant disappointing another?  What would change for you, if instead of just heading straight into all the things you desire and need to tend to, create, cause and respond to, you paused to consider what SUPPORT YOU NEED?  These are the questions I am inviting you step into in this series - Receive the Support You Desire and Require this Year.  And then, after tuning into your deeper truth and wisdom, start using your voice and your choices to create a reality in which you truly do receive th