Abe Kanan

Abe Kanan:ON HOLD Episode 113 - 12/22/2016



Episode 113 topics... 1. Guy was mad about Tupac getting into Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame 2. Donald Trump should never wear a hat 3. People at casino who make a lot of noise eating noodles 4. The reason people yell "MONKEY" during Baccarat 5. Guy complimented a girls wig and she went nuts 6. Garth Brooks wears a Madonna type headset 7. David Draiman from Disturbed should wear a headset 8. Garth Brooks is like Elmo and did the Howard Dean scream 9. Bands with one hit should play it multiple times in concert 10. Best way to search for Netflix password 11. Celebrity birth control 12. Bernard Hopkins was almost killed in last fight 13. Guy at Walmart hit on cashier and lumped Abe in 14. Movie theater wanted Abe's pennies 15. Abe's second Mayo turnoff 16. Abe has a Ghost in apartment who filled his Poo-Pourri 17. People on Facebook who add you to a group 18. Go Fund Me scams 19. People who get mad when you say "Happy Holidays" --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/abekanan/support