Peter King, The Mmqb Podcast

Andrea Kremer and Hannah Storm, the first all-woman broadcast team in NFL history, and the NFL's emerging major influencer, Executive VP Chris Halpin.



Kremer and Storm on the meaning of being the first all-woman team in an NFL booth in 99 years, on the reaction of players and coaches to their presence in a male-dominated field, on the winding path each took to this moment, and what they'd say to a 12-year-old girl in American watching them and wondering if she, too, can follow her dreams in a business populated almost exclusively by men.Halpin, recently promoted to a huge future-of-the-game job by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, on the biggest challenges the leagues faces, on how how he went from a business and financial background to the NFL, and on the audiences the NFL must serve to remain the dominant America sports league.