Peter King, The Mmqb Podcast

Drew Brees and Sean Payton of the record-setting Saints



A unique episode from Peter King's time embedding with the New Orleans Saints during their Saturday night meetings at the Ritz-Carlton in the French Quarter of New Orleans. King frames the evening with three passages, and coach Sean Payton and quarterback Drew Brees contribute.Payton on the imagination he uses to form the complex gameplan every week, on what goes into his process of coming up with new idea each week, on how far the weekly plan has come since he and Brees came to the Saints in 2006, and why Brees' play has improved significantly at 39.Brees on the trust he has to have with Payton the play-caller, on the imagination throughout the NFL in 2018, on the difference between the Saints of 2006 and 2018, and on why he is playing better in 2018 than he ever has.