Peter King, The Mmqb Podcast

Bob Costas (NBC Sports), Jason Whitlock (Fox Sports 1) and Tunch Ilkin (Former Pittsburgh Steelers guard current Steelers radio colorman)



Peter King talks to Bob Costas of NBC Sports, Jason Whitlock of Fox Sports 1 and Tunch Ilkin, former Steelers guard and current Steelers radio colorman. Costas on how we had mis-applied patriotism to be almost exclusively militaristic, on how players and the NFL should proceed now in the wake of the week three protests, and how the national anthem might have more meaning if reserved for special occasions. Whitlock on how America's addiction to Twitter blew this up into an overwhelming story, on how players and the NFL should have handled Donald Trump's remarks, and how they should put away their emotions in the coming weeks. Ilkin on how this reminds him of being a Steelers team leader during the NFL strike of 1987, on the advice he gave friend and Steelers guard Alejandro Villanueva this week, and on what Steeler fans are telling him on his nightly talk show this week.