What's Next! With Tiffani Bova

RELOAD: Future Ready with Nick Davis



  Welcome to the What's Next! podcast with Tiffani Bova.       This week I am thrilled to bring back an amazing conversation I had with Nick Davis! Nick is a managing partner at Reaching the Future Faster and author of the Amazon Best-Seller: Future Ready: A Change Makers Guide to the Exponential Revolution. He is the prior V.P. of Enterprise Solutions and the current Faculty Chair for Corporate Innovation at Singularity University. Nick is a recognized thought leader in the innovation space who specializes in identifying exponential trends that enable enterprise organizations to deliver customer value through new and existing technology platforms. He is also a Venture Partner at Bold Capital, which invests in high-growth startups that leverage exponential technologies. He’s previously served as External Innovation Leader for PwC and the Director of Corporate Development for The Anderson School of Management at UCLA.    ​​THIS EPISODE IS PERFECT FOR… anyone looking to be Future Ready!​    TODAY’S