Church With Jesse Lee Peterson

No Sex Outside Marriage! Here's Why (Dec 17, 2017)



Sunday, Dec 17, we cover stories such as from CNS News: An entire family turned transgender (links below). Jesse wrote in WorldNetDaily: Is the Black Woman 'God' in Alabama? Washington Examiner reported that 77 percent of births to black native-born Americans in 2015 were out-of-wedlock — to single mothers. 49 percent of Hispanic immigrant births were out-of-wedlock, while 57 percent of Hispanic births to mothers born here were to unwed mothers. Then we talked about relationships, dating, and marriage, as well as forgiving mothers and fathers. One man talked about breaking free of his parents, admitting to them that he hated them, apologizing and forgiving them. He brought his girlfriend down from San Francisco to join our meeting — and she likes and agrees with Jesse's message. Do not have sex before marriage — the man will cheat and will see any woman who has sex out-of-wedlock as a w***e. Men are looking for a good woman who will not have sex with him until marriage, although they will not tell you this. O