Amanda Carroll

#6 Learn Kaizen



Imagine a world where waking up everyday didn't feel like a daunting chore, rather an absolute joy! I can teach you how to feel that way. The secret to not getting overwhelmed by the uphill climb you are facing to change your life is to approach your metamorphosis by the way the Japanese culture approaches business. This podcast will teach you how to use "Kaizen" to get the life that you dream about. Mine started with a simple little wagon ride.The best strategy to help you silence fear in your life, is to actually have a strategy!  Don't have one?  I got you!  Download my free BRAVE LIFE PLANNER.  It includes my morning "Boot Up Your Bravery" routine, and the daily brave planner, PLUS a video that shows you how to use it so you too can #GetYourBraveOn.  Get your FREE gift here YOU are my "why".  My mission is to give you the strategies you need to silence fear and #GetYourBraveOn.  Let's connect!Call me and tell me how God is using this podcast in your life at 530-4-AMANDALet's connect on socials! Follow me