Craig Groeschel Audio

You Don’t Win By Trying | The Power to Change | Part 5



Everyone likes to win. It’s fun to win a game or a race. But how do you train for life? How do you train to win at things like marriage, health, or your relationship with God? We’re talking about it in this message. In Pastor Craig’s new book, The Power to Change, you’ll learn highly practical, biblical, and doable strategies so you can get out of the cycle of trying and transform your life. Get the book: THIS MESSAGEFew things in life are more frustrating than knowing you need to change, trying to change, but not actually changing. It’s possible to find The Power to Change so you can start living the life you want. NEXT STEPSHave you made a decision to follow Jesus? You may be wondering what’s next on your journey. We want to help! Let us guide you to your next steps in your walk with Christ: LIFE.CHURCHWherever you are in life, you have a purpose. Life.Church wants to help you find your next step. Our hope is that your journey will include jo