Extreme Genes - America's Family History And Genealogy Radio Show & Podcast

Episode 426: Classic Rewind - DNA Detective CeCe Moore On The Growing Fertility Fraud Scandal



Host Scott Fisher opens the show with guest host David Allen Lambert, Chief Genealogist of the New England Historic Genealogical Society and AmericanAncestors.org. David begins with a little history of Father’s Day, and how it started with the love of one woman for her dad. Dave then mentions meeting a man who actually saw Babe Ruth play when he was a boy. (Not many of those folks are around anymore!)  DNA is helping the military and what they’re learning about some of those WW2 guys whose remains were sent home is disturbing. Next, hear about two women who discovered that they were sisters… and then went into business together! Then, find out how a man lived some 70 years with non-stop hiccups! Fisher then, in two parts, visits with The DNA Detective, CeCe Moore. Recently, Netflix released a documentary about a fertility doctor in Indianapolis who has now been shown through DNA to have fathered 94 children! And there are likely many, many more. And this doctor is far from the only one. The documentary says 4