Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

206 Wisdom for Thriving Now & Creating What’s Next: Your Wellbeing & Your Lifeforce (#1 of 3)



Consider this: What you focus on now, will influence the reality you experience in the years to come. What you choose to give your life force and resources to this year will show up three years from now. The choices you make around your wellbeing now - in your habits, relationships and life & work design - will show up in your health & wealth twenty years from now. This is a natural law, which means it is naturally how things work .... and this year more than ever that's true (more on that in the podcast). Which is why I felt compelled to create an extended power pause for us this year ... that will give you wisdom, insight and clarity on this year (the NOW) and also the coming three year cycle (the NEXT).  This power pause series - Wisdom for Thriving Now & Creating What's Next - will give you 3 inquiries per episode focused on a specific area of focus that felt like was really calling me & us to give some conscious thought, feeling and imagination to.  Why so much to do about inquiries? It's