Franchise Canada Chats

Season 2.5 Episode 3 | Todd Cohen: Staying Present and Profitable Working Virtually



In this episode, we feature keynote speaker and author Todd Cohen, who shares strategies for Staying Present and Profitable Working Virtually. Virtual work is the temporary new normal as a result of COVID-19, and it’s created new challenges for many businesses when it comes to reaching their clients. In this episode we disscuss: - Todd's thoughtful ideas for how to stay present and profitable in this unprecedented time. - Todd's passion for the power of being virtually present to sell ourselves more effectively, and make no mistake: this message is more important than ever, because it’s not your client’s job to remember you. This episode was adapted from Todd’s Staying Present and Profitable Working Virtually keynote session as part of the Canadian Franchise Association’s Navigating Through Turbulent Times webinar series in early April. You can learn more at For more information, you can reach Todd at: Todd Cohen 215-275-3416