Samuel Brock Flynn Show Intro

Samuel Brock Flynn Show -Interviews Dr. Dante Sears


Sinopsis  About Dr. Danté Sears Dr. Danté Sears is an American life intervention coach and  transformational speaker.  Specializing in complementary alternative  medicine (CAM) and personal development, Dr. Danté’s approach  to life mastery and alternative healing focuses on the mind-body  connection to elicit desirable outcomes in health and behavior. As a Certified Master of Clinical Hypnosis, Reiki Master Practitioner, and a Neuro-linguistic Programmer, Dr. Dante’s  coaching sessions, talks, and speeches are not only life-changing;  they’re strategically therapeutic and miraculously healing.  Her talks  inspire healing and positive change within willful  observers, demonstrating the brain’s natural ability to heal and renew  the body, which is far more powerful than any pharmaceutical drug or  medical procedure on the planet. ‘A breath of fresh air’ to the field of  clinical therapy, Dr. Danté Sears keeps