
Enlighten My Darkness | 2nd Sunday of Lent 2023



The Arena Podcast is the flagship of Patristic Nectar Publications and contains the Sunday Sermons and other theological reflections by Father Josiah Trenham delivered from the ambon of St. Andrew Church in Riverside, California and begun in 2010. Currently there are more than 550 sermons and lectures covering ten years worth of preaching through the liturgical calendar. | Links |Yielded to God: The Life and Teaching of Saint Seraphim of Sarov The significance of the life of St. Seraphim upon contemporary Orthodox Christianity is so great that it is difficult to fully grasp. Though he was a humble Russian monk born in 1759 his influence has spread to become central and definitive in all the world-wide Orthodox Church. The life of the saints is a tapestry of a life wholly crucified to self and fully yielded to the will of God. His teaching on the purpose of Christian life as the acquisition of the Holy Spirit, and his great intimacy with the Most Pure Mother