Grace Hill Church - Collierville, Tn

Think Differently Week 8



Welcome to the Grace Hill Church sermon podcast! This week marks "Think Differently Week 8," and we are excited to feature a message by Randall Johnson, one of our elders, who spoke on Philippians 3:1-11. In his message, Randall explores the two paths to salvation taught by the world's religions: works and faith. While every other religion teaches salvation by works, Christianity offers a different path. Christianity recognizes that we don't have the ability to win God over by our goodness alone. We need someone to pay the penalty for our rebellion, and that someone is Jesus. Randall reminds us that false teachers may try to convince us that we need to keep the Law of Moses or submit to circumcision to earn God's favor. But Paul, in his letter to the Philippians, warns against putting confidence in the flesh. As followers of Jesus, we are truly circumcised when we worship by the Holy Spirit of God. Join us as we reflect on this powerful message and learn how we can embrace salvation by faith alone. Don't f