You Can't Handle The Emet

#003-Are you using your body as an excuse to hate yourself?



This was another tough one to make. But brutal honesty usually is and the fact is all the video have been tough for me to make because this is a subject I care about greatly. It is important. I would like you to consider what is in this video very carefully, listen and take your time to understand the message. Are you using how you feel about your body to justify how you feel about yourself? Are you loathing your body so you can loath yourself? I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave your views and or experiences with this in the comments section below. If you feel you have gotten value out of this them please do like it and subscribe to the podcast. If you feel there are people who would benefit from seeing it, then please do share it. Thank you for your time, thank you for watching, I greatly appreciate it. Nic