Channelmom Media

Live The Dream With This



Stop Being A Victim (Single Mom Blogger)... PLUS Health Tips For Kids from Pediatric Dentist This is a tool you can use to get unstuck and start livin’ your dream.  Stop the old patterns you’ve been trying to overcome for years and take this advice from our Single Mom Blogger, Erin Szczerba.  This is not just for single moms, but married ones too. Get This Tool And Get Unstuck Not only does Erin give you sound advice to help you get unstuck from old patterns, but she offers this life rejuvenating advice.  We hope it helps you get unstuck and be renewed!   Erin  has a specific tool you can use to help you get there… and start fresh this year. More On Living The Dream For Moms More of this interview uploads to CM Podcast and you can learn more from Erin at Plus, find out more about the “power sheets” tool from Lara Casey at: PLUS... 4 Easy Tips for healthier kids from pediatric dentist