Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Connecting to Your Body During Conflict At Work with Zahara Jade (Ep 133)



When was the last time you listened to what your nervous system was trying to tell you?This week's conversation builds off of last week's interview with Zahara Jade. This week we're talking about how to tune into your body while you're at work, particularly in stressful situations like expanding workplace responsibilities or while you're in conflict with colleagues. Listen in while Zahara Jade shares her top tips for somatic exercises to help slow the nervous system in times of change. Stress ages our minds and bodies by putting often unnecessary weight on our processing systems. With these simple techniques, you can slow down, re-evaluate, and get the work done in a way that creates the largest impact for yourself, your team, and your organization. THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWWhat do people not understand when it comes to our body's responses to change (fight, flight, freeze, and appease)? [03:44]What is the difference between "Big T" Trauma and"little t" trauma? [07:12] What are some of your techniques t