Locker Room

You're Qualified, with Connor Hall (Part 1)



You’re Qualified (Part 1) God uses broken people. That’s all He has. God doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called. Jesus desires for you to partner with Him to live your life on mission. Too often we think God is looking for the powerful, the affluent, the charismatic—people with dynamic personalities. We think God is looking for ability and what He’s really looking for is availability. He will equip available men who are willing to take a step and follow Him. Join Scott and returning guest Connor Hall as they discuss how each of us are qualified to be a part of God’s team and make a difference in the lives of our families, friends, and coworkers. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE: S10E10 You’re Qualified (Part 1) What was your first job or the first team you were a part of? Did you feel qualified? Why or why not? What do you think makes someone qualified for a position or role? Why did you choose your response? Read Nehemiah 1:11-2:5. Nehemiah was a cupbearer in modern-day Iran who felt a burden or call t