Dimes In The Dozen

The Bird & The Bear - Session 39



"There's a whole lot of fingers in this butthole" - The Tik Tok ban is ridiculous but a great red herring for the government to implement more violations of our privacy - It's possible we may never have a congress who truly is 'with' the times and 'of' the times - As the government tries to peer deeper into our lives, will the next generation have the support to take back our rights? "Applebee's. When you’re here, don't tread on me" - Once again we've been hit with Trump's buckshot strategy, a scatter shot of misinformation -  It really doesn't matter if Trump goes to jail, we just want the justice system to work - With the number of courts getting ready to possibly charge Trump, will we finally see something stick?  "Zoloft Gang" - The state of Oregon will soon put psilocybin therapy into practice and Daryl's looking for the next available appointment - A free and open market for therapy should be supported; from holistic, to pharmaceutical, and all the way to psychedelics - As the ability to reach into o