Locker Room

Hate Sin (Part 1)



Hate Sin (Part 1) How does God view sin? How does He see it? When God thinks about sin, what are His feelings? God hates sin so much and He hates what it’s done to His creation. He hates what it does to people’s hearts, relationships, marriages, families and communities. He hates what it does to His Church. He hates how it falls out in people’s lives. What about us? Sometimes we don’t really hate sin…we just hate everybody else’s sin. We’ve grown way too comfortable with the sin that we commit. Or maybe we’re in the middle of habitual sin where it feels like there's no way out: we can’t resist it, and we don’t have the ability to fight or be victorious over it. This week we’ll dive into what God’s word says about sin and its effects in our lives. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10 E12:Two Words: Hate Sin (Part 1) What’s one food you hated eating as a kid? Is this a food you eat today? How has your appetite changed over the years? What would you attribute to this change? Read Romans 6:5-14. When we become follo