Breakout Sessions With Chad Nedland

Fully Wet - A Picture Of Intercession Ep. #35



"Today I had the most wonderful opportunity, I got to gather together with a bunch of intercessors. ‎ So I'm not talking about people who get together in the morning and pray at the coffee shop. I'm talking about some people who get together on a regular basis. They go into the school system. They walk the halls, they pray over each room. ‎ They walk the halls, praying down the presence of God in that school, to uplift the upcoming generations. You see, they understand what many people don't get. It's our children that are going to lead the nations when we're gone. ‎ It's our children that are going to leave those schools and they are going to spread out into the world. And they are going to cause revolution for the King. ‎ So they bathed themselves in prayer, and welcomed the presence of Holy Spirit. ‎ I had the opportunity to get together to pray with them. In a high school down in Tennessee. I had some amazing experiences, I felt the Spirit of God just come down and descend upon me. And I felt this, t