Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 2: "Pursue Inefficiency" Special Message



After a week like Easter, we have an opportunity to look at the New Life in Jesus with a new perspective. Jesus loves you. He proved His love for you in the greatest act of love that has ever been. Jesus died for our sake, in our place and for His good and rose from the dead, making it possible to have reconciliation. Now, like the disciples, we are left with an empty tomb, a living Jesus, and a New Life to grasp hold of and live for God's good. Here's the problem: our old perspective won't work. Our old priorities won't work. They are incompatible with Jesus' New Life he offers. He gives Us something better.In our human eyes, Jesus appeared inefficient.He treated time differently, people differently and life differently. In our age of efficiency, there is a danger to miss out on Jesus' attitude, habits, and purpose as we sometimes get stuck in our human perspective as we approach this New Life with God.We need a new perspective.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), email (office@ebc.org), DM