Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

SALON: Feminine Wisdom for Uncertain & Intense Times



ON THE SUPER FULL MOON, I HELD A SPECIAL FEMININE SUPER POWER CIRCLE TO ACTIVATE FEMININE WISDOM AND POWER DURING THESE UNCERTAIN AND INTENSE TIMES…TO ILLUMINATE THE PATH AHEAD FROM LOVE INSTEAD OF FEAR. I believe we are the ones here at this time to be part of a great awakening on this planet, and awakenings are often not easy. It’s HOW we respond to what is happening in our world, families, communities and systems, whether it’s an election, water and oil rights, the way we do business, how we raise and educate our children, how we come together in true sisterhood or not – that is the deciding factor of how this will unfold. The ancient sages predicted we would come as a people to this time of unrest. Change often requires a catalyst, a bolt of lightening to quicken the shift. But the HOW we get there is not pre-determined. We are the ones who will lead the way. YOU are the one who will lead the way. We each have a part to play. Never diminish or discount the importance of your part, no matter how small it m