Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

The Soul Stretch - Are You Being Stretched Past Your Limits



There is no question that we are living in intense and uncertain times where who we’ve been and how we’ve operated will not support us on the path ahead. About every woman I know who is awake, open-hearted, and desiring to live her greatest life, in alignment with her soul, is being called to her “edge” - personally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. It’s like our souls are beckoning...“Let go of things that no longer fit and leap into the unknown” - in our relationships, jobs, homes, careers, wealth, health, lifestyles, and habits. Anything that stems from false security, diminishes our most true presence or distracts us from our soul path - we either surrender it or we suffer through it. And it feels scary, uncomfortable and if we are honest,  there are times we’d rather pull the covers over our heads, or quit and just resign ourselves to do something easier. This is what I call a SOUL STRETCH. You can either lean into the stretch and grow, breakthrough limits and old ways that no longer serve and e