

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins, Chandler Vannoy, and Dan Iten discuss the subject of how to transition jobs well. As Chandler transitions to a new role away from Lifeway, the team reflects on ways that leaders can improve the process of transitioning out of their role and how they can create an environment where open dialogue about job changes is encouraged. Here are some of the questions they discussed: Why is this important to the life of a church? What are some general reasons why people leave their jobs? What are some best practices or opposing views on how people look at this subject? What are some ways you’ve seen this go well and other ways that you’ve seen it go poorly? How do you develop a culture that is comfortable having these types of conversations? What are some best practices for you as the employee leaving to set up the next person for success? BEST QUOTES “If there's anybody that should be able to retain employees or retain staff,