Locker Room

Hate Sin (Part 2)



Hate Sin (part 2) Each of us are in a daily battle of choosing, “Am I going to live my day walking in what God has for me through Christ—am I going to live for Jesus? Or am I going to be dominated by my past sin, past shame, or sinful desires?” We have to know ourselves. We have to know our history. We have to remember where we’ve been and study our own game tape knowing what brings joy and what brings heartache and shame. Join us this week as we jump back into the two words: Hate Sin. LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE: S10 E13 - Two Words: Hate Sin (Part 2) What was your main takeaway from the previous episode? Do you view sin any differently? Why or why not? Read Isaiah 53:1-12, Romans 3:21-26, and 1 Corinthians 7:23. God hated sin so much, He sent Jesus on a rescue mission to reconcile us back to Him which came at a great cost. God’s grace and mercy should elicit a response from us. If we’re able to move this unfathomable truth from our heads to our hearts, how should this radically change the way we live? What