Institute Of Welsh Affairs

June 2017: IWA /Cardiff University Debate: Has the Welsh government given up on tackling poverty?"



In February 2017, the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children announced that the Communities First Programme would be phased out by March 2018. In the announcement he conceded that whilst “…Communities First has been successful in its impact on many individuals in poverty, …it has not had an impact on overall poverty levels in Wales, which remain stubbornly high.” While some legacy funding has been agreed, the absence of any other plans to replace the Communities First Programme has led some to question if the Welsh Government has given up on tackling poverty altogether. The latest in the IWA Debate series in partnership with Cardiff University, took place at the Eversheds-Sutherland offices in Cardiff on 13th June 2017. Auriol Miller, IWA Director, welcomed the guests to the event, and Michael Trickey, Programme Director at Wales Public Services 2025 Programme, gave the opening speech. He was followed by Jordan Davies, journalist at BBC Cymru Wales, the chair for the evening who introduced the pa