Go Girl With Ashley Caprice

How to Overcome Your Scars and Be a Magnet For Your Desires ft. Audra Bryant (Ep. 143)



Do you hide scars others can't see? We talk a lot about healing from toxic relationships on the Go Girl Podcast and essentially I've shared tips on how to overcome emotional scars. Well today's guest didn't look at herself change clothes in the mirror until she was 25-years-old because of her physical scars. Audra Bryant is a life coach, motivational speaker, singer, author and burn survivor who shares her transformational journey of healing to help others turn their scars into their superpower. Listen in as we have girl talk about how to turn your scars into your superpowers, toxic positivity, self-love, and how to get your desires fulfilled. IG: https://www.instagram.com/gogirlmovement/?hl=en IG: https://www.instagram.com/iamashleycaprice/?hl=en website: www.GoGirlMovement.org