Locker Room

Healthy Rhythms, with Jon Weece and Scott Nickell



Healthy Rhythms Jesus had the habit of getting alone with the Father and then being with people. Over and over again, we see Him withdraw to the wilderness to pray and connect with the Father. He had this rhythm of connecting with the Father (filling his tank) and then spending time with people (pouring out from the well of His time with God). We have to realize that we’re not God. We have limits. But if we will fight to protect our relationship with Jesus, and we will love ourselves enough to take care of our bodies, we’ll be healthier men and stronger men. Then we’ll be able to invest in our families, relationships, work and kingdom stuff that God calls us to be a part of. Join us in this episode of Locker Room as we circle up with Scott Nickell and Jon Weece to talk about two words: Healthy Rhythms.   LOCKER ROOM DISCUSSION GUIDE S10 E15 - "Two Words: Healthy Rhythms” We all have at least 1 or 2 weird habits. What’s one of yours? Would you describe yourself as a disciplined person? Why or why not? It’s bee