Calvary Temple

A Measure of the Spirit



In Numbers 11:10-17 Moses tells God that the job of caring for all those people was just too big for one man and that he needed help, and God agreed! So, God anointed 70 men with a measure of the same spirit of God which Moses had, to enable them to prophecy and take care of the people’s spiritual needs. This eased the burden for Moses, whom God called a friend, and allowed him to be the one with whom God would meet face-to-face. When Jesus was baptized with the Holy Spirit in the book of John, the Bible says that His baptism was “without measure.” And, praise God for his many blessings to us, because in Galations 3:14 we read that we have received the same blessing as Abraham was given, which is also immeasurable. Jesus baptizes us in the Holy Spirit, with rivers of living water pouring forth from our spirits, an unlimited measure for us!