Guided Meditation For Sleep.

The Wild Horses of Sumba Island



Welcome to the Your Sleep Guru Podcast. I am Clara, your host, and I am delighted to have you join me for this guided sleep story. This episode will transport you to the enchanting Sumba Island, Indonesia, where the wild Sandalwood horses roam. Immerse yourself in the lush green forests, the rhythmic waves, and the captivating presence of these majestic creatures as we embark on a journey of relaxation and tranquility. Through a blend of soothing storytelling, gentle meditation, and the calming sounds of nature, this podcast creates a peaceful environment for you to unwind and achieve a restful sleep. Close your eyes and envision the picturesque valley where the Sandalwood horses graze, their coats shimmering under the golden sunlight. Feel a deep sense of serenity as you connect with the gentle nature of these remarkable animals, creating a harmonious bond between the natural world and your inner peace. Join me as we explore the beauty of Sumba Island, and let the soothing rhythm of this guided sleep story c