Fear the Walking Dead ‘Cast

348: "The Calm Before" (S9E15)



Wow, couple of rough episodes in a row! Insane. Special guests Lucy and Derek (of Comic Talk) are here to talk you through it. NOTE: Jason and Karen will be back for next week's episode, and it'll come out about a week later than usual. Hey Game of Thrones fans, want to hear our coverage of the final season? We're no longer Game of Microphones, so be sure to subscribe to our new Game of Thrones podcast, House Podcastica, at housepodcastica.com. The Walking Dead 'Cast is made possible by listeners like you (and you too) who have supported us at patreon.com/jasonandkaren. Thanks to all you guys! If you'd like to give us a call, you can call us at (650) 485-3323 or email brains@podcastica.com. Look for us on Facebook at facebook.com/deadcast and on Twitter at twitter.com/jasonandkaren. You can download, subscribe, rate, and review us on Apple Podcasts or in iTunes by going to walkingdeadcast.com/itunes. Next episode: S9E16 "The Storm" with J & K. Support the show: https://patreon.com/jasonandkarenA