Macabre London Podcast

21: The Umbrella Murder - Silencing Soviet Secrets



The Umbrella Murder - A Cold War Poisoning Murder as a rule is usually a messy and noisy affair that can’t usually be carried out in broad daylight and go undetected. A murder weapon as inconspicuous as an umbrella and a micro dose of poison could however make murder swift, clean and almost painless for the victim. The death of Bulgarian defector, Georgi Markov happened in just this way. In broad daylight and with its victim not really knowing what had happened. But, who was Georgi murdered by and why?This time on Macabre London, we uncover The umbrella murder. *Apologies for some of the minor audio issues of late - I'm still working on trying to get better audio options with a limited budget and recording at home.*———————————————————You can now watch our episodes! There are hosted versions of each podcast available on YouTube by me, your host Nikki Druce! Featuring photos and pictures to really set the scene and to bring the episodes to life....or death in some cases. Make sure you check it out and subscribe