Macabre London Podcast

Spring Heeled Jack - The Victorian Slenderman



Spring Heeled Jack - The Victorian SlendermanEven before the internet, people created strange unimaginable beasts and the Victorians managed to dedicate whole newspapers to the monsters supposedly living across the UK in the form of Penny Dreadful periodicals. But what happens when one of those monsters comes to life and starts terrorising the streets of London. This time on Macabre London, we uncover the story of Spring Heeled Jack. Find out about the many different guises Spring Heeled Jack appeared in. How his help in distracting from a fire in the financial district may have been a clever inception by the press and whether he may still be around today. Join us to find out the story of who this person was and how they terrorised the Victorians. ———————————————————You can now watch our episodes! There are hosted versions of each podcast available on YouTube by me, your host Nikki Druce! Make sure you check it out and subscribe if you like it and tell your friends. Just search Macabre London on the YouTube